A Biblical View of America's Issues
and why we need to pray for them

Health Care & Government


Seeking God and truth on behalf of America!

Biblical View


In the Bible, we see God instructing His people to give to the poor, who were often poor because of some type of sickness or deformity. We should help those who are unable to care for themselves. Of course, His remedy for sickness is sometimes supernatural / miraculous, but His original intention was for us to stay healthy and strong through natural means of proper diet and lifestyle. A lifestyle of following His Word would have kept sickness and death out of the earth to begin with.


Unfortunately in America, health care has become more controlled by laws than by physicians and patients. Doctors answer more to insurance companies and health care systems than to their patients. In countries that have socialized medicine the government  itself regulates health care. So what began as people, and eventually physicians, caring for the sick, has turned into a political system used to control people, and possibly the population. (Think--Hitler).


A biblical approach to health care will acknowledge that the government is not to use health care as a means to control the population, (abortion, denial of services, required treatment, "medical kidnapping" etc.) or to regulate health care so that it overrules the doctor-patient relationship, and not to discourage faith and prayer in any health care system.


Article: The Brutal Battle Against Medical Kidnappers
National Review by Michelle Malkin
The story of Jessica Pelletier


Article: The Health Care Law: A Historic Mistake

by Matthew Staver / Liberty Counsel


Article: From Health Care to Holocaust

The New American

A must-read article


Video: Planned Parenthood is Population Control for Blacks, Says Ben Carson

Discussion about the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who was looking to wipe out the black population. Short video--4:16.


Everyone should have a family garden!

Check out one family's journey at FamilyFoodGarden.com


50 Days of Healing Journal

by Rose Murdock


Newly Revised! 50 Days of Healing is a journey through the Bible to look at 50 Scriptures regarding healing. We begin in the Old Testament to see what the Lord said and did regarding the healing of His people--when it was provided and when it wasn't. Then we move on to the New Testament where we see the Gospel of Jesus Christ accompanied by healings, and the message those healing brought in light of what was learned under the Old Covenant. Use this booklet to meditate on the Word concerning God's will for your healing. 109 pages. The recent revision includes a "points to ponder" page for each day so you can more easily meditate on the highlights of the day, as well as room to journal your thoughts!


Purchase here.

All Scripture is taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.

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