Week 20


Deuteronomy 32:28-30. The Song of Moses.


The strength of America did not come from our own greatness or power. But from the Rock. We could not have achieved greatness in any area or any status in the world if it were not for the Lord. He is our Rock. Lord, we acknowledge that any great thing America has ever done is because of You!




"“For they are a nation lacking in counsel,

And there is no understanding in them.

“Would that they were wise, that they understood this,

That they would discern their future!

“How could one chase a thousand,

And two put ten thousand to flight,

Unless their Rock had sold them,

And the Lord had given them up?"


Deuteronomy 32:28-30 New American Standard Bible (NASB)



All Scripture is taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.

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